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5: Loved it

4.5: Great

4: Good

3.5: Liked It

3: OK

2-2.5: Didn't like it

1-1.5: Hated it

Private Property - Leah Braemel Mark and Jodi are dating and Jodi thinks Mark is ready to give her the brush off. Little does Jodi know that Mark has a special plan for her on her birthday, a little menage fantasy that she shared with him. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I liked Jodi, Mark and Sam. Jodi and Mark really seemed to care about each other and Sam was smart enough to realize that. He decided to turn the tables on Mark to see what his reaction would be if all the control was out of his hands. I really liked how the author portrayed the feelings Mark and Jodi were experiencing. I thought it was a more realistic approach to how a menage situation would be; dealing with jealously, anger, and potential regret.